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Paroles / Rihanna - SOS |
· “SOS” en sonnerie poly, monophonique, hi-fi sur ton mobile · Comparer les prix de ce titre sur kelkoo.fr
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Lalala lalala la la lala la Ohhh
You know I never felt like this before
Lalala lalala la la lala la Ohhh
Feels like something real
Couplet 1:
I'm obessive when just one thought of you comes up
I'm agressive just one thought of closing up
You got me stressing, incessantly pressing the issue
'Cause every moment gone you know I miss you
I'm the question an you of course the answer
Just hold me close boy cause I'm your tiny dancer
You make me shaken up, I'm never mistaken
But I can't control myself got me calling out for help
S.O.S. please someone help me.
It's not healthy for me to feel this
Y.O.U. are making this hard,
I can't take it see it don't feel right
S.O.S. please someone help me
It's not healthy for me to feel this
Y.O.U. are making this hard
You got me tossin' and turnin' and I can't seep at night
This time please someone come and rescue me
Cause you on my mind got me losing it
I'm lost you got me lookin for the rest of me
Love is testing me but still I'm losing it
This time please someone come and rescue me 'cause you on my mind got me losing it
I'm lost you got me looking for the rest of me, got the best of me, so now I'm losing it
Couplet 2:
Just your presence and I second guess my sanity
Yes its a lesson and its based on my vanity
My tummy's up in knots so when I see you I get so hot
Common sense if out the door can't seem to find a lot
Take me (uh huh) you know inside you feel it right
Take me I'ma put desire in your arms tonight
I'm out with you, ya got me head over heels
Boy you got me hanging on by the way you make me feel
S.O.S. please someone help me
It's not healthy for me to feel this
Y.O.U. are making this hard
You got me tossin' and turnin' and I can't seep at night
Boy you know you got me feeling open
And boy your loves enough with words unspoken
I said boy I'm telling you, you got me open
I don't know what to do its true
I'm going crazy over you I'm begging
S.O.S. please someone help me
It's not healthy for me to feel this
Y.O.U. are making this hard
You got me tossin' and turnin' and I can't seep at night
au Pont, x2
Lala lala lala lala Ohhh
Ohh ohh lala lala lala lala oh oh
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